Sunday 29 March 2020

Racist attacks against Asian-Americans

Report: More than 650 racist attacks against Asian-Americans over past week

Racist attacks against Asian-Americans are on the rise amid the coronavirus outbreak. According to the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council, there have been more than 650 direct reports of discrimination against Asian-Americans over the past week.

“As the virus COVID-19 spreads, numerous Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have reported experiencing microaggressions, racial profiling, hate incidents and, in some cases, hate violence,” read a statement from the council. “Young people, as well as adults and seniors, in California fear being perceived as the source or carrier of the disease.”

Reports included assault, verbal harassment and other hurtful gestures.

“I had three folks walking through Chinatown suggesting I go die because of coronavirus,” stated John Chin, Director of the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp.

The FBI has confirmed hate crimes will “remain a high priority” amid an anticipated surge in attacks. The bureau believes Asian-American communities may be in danger as people continue to associate COVID-19 with China and those of Asian descent.

“The FBI assesses hate crime incidents against Asian-Americans likely will surge across the United States, due to the spread of coronavirus disease,” read a statement from the agency. “The FBI makes this assessment based on the assumption that a portion of the U.S. public will associate COVID-19 with China and Asian-American populations.”

A new website called ‘Stop AAPI Hate‘ will allow victims to share their stories of discrimination.

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