Sunday 29 March 2020

Outrage as bins overflow with Brit's out of date food bought in Coronavirus Panic

Outrage as bins overflow with Brit's out of date food bought in Coronavirus Panic

Shoppers who stockpiled food have been slammed after photos emerged online of out-of-date supermarket food dumped in bins.
Photos of the food have been shared far and wide on social media, showing packets of bread, cheese, fresh bananas, and even burgers still in their wrapping on top of a bulging Morrison's bag next to the bins.
It comes as supermarkets impose strict limits on the number of items that can be purchase and give priority to vulnerable customers in response to fury over Brits' panic buying when the pandemic began.
The pictures have caused outrage, with many users demanding to know why the food was not given to a local foodbank.
One contributor asked: “Why couldn't it have been given away to someone who would have been grateful for it, rather than it being binned?”
Another said: “They now need to be fined for not using the correct recycling bin.”
Mark Hall, of Business Waste, said: “At the moment there is a huge strain on supermarket supply chains to ensure there is enough food to go around during these difficult times.
“People should only buy what they need, otherwise they will only be throwing a lot of it away when it all goes out of date. There’s only so much you can eat.”
Many shops have now imposed limits on how many items you can buy after shelves were stripped empty because of panic buying.
Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Asda have set a limit of three for any item and two for essential products, such as toilet roll and handwash.

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