Saturday 28 March 2020

Covid19 false death statistics

Covid19 Global Pandemic

It is of general knowledge that the China Government since late November 2019 has had the information of this strain of Coronavirus within the region of Wuhan.

When a patient who had gone to the hospital complaining with fever, dry caught, generalised body pain and breathing difficulties, it was taken blood samples by the doctor, when she read the medical report of the results she saw that that patient tested positive for SARS-Cov2.

After getting that information she warned quite a few of her colleagues asking them to wear protective clothing and taking measures to avoid being infected and infect others.

When the board of the hospital found out about it, they immediately tried to cover it up (persuading, threatening their employees so the news of the outbreak and risk of contamination wouldn't be known), one of those doctors didn't stay quiet making him being discredited and arrested by the Chinese Government. That doctor was already infected with the new virus and soon died in prison due to that virus.

With all this publicity China Government admitted the existence of the virus but diminished the contagious and spread facility capabilities of this virus.

I don't blame any chinese national or chinese descendent for the situation that the world is at at the moment but definetaly the Chinese Gorvenment is to blame for not having implemented fast enough the right measures to contain this virus spread (letting all other nationals that were in the affected area to go back to their own countries), and for not coming CLEAN and LYING to the rest of the world and for not taken their responsability on the event in question.

The longterm Lockdown wont be suffice to contain the spread of this virus, only by collective imunity it will be possible to resist it.

Sure the death rate is high amongst older age people and specially if they have any underlying health problems as well, but apart from that the number of deaths provoked by it it's far less then deaths provoked by influenza {normal Flu Virus) .

Cause people keep forgetting that quite a lot of this reported deaths are of dead people DEAD WITH COVID19 not DEAD FROM COVID19, so basically died in isolation but still asymptomatic and when tested they are positive for covid19 so altough it wasn't the virus that caused their death but because they had it on their system they become part of that silly statistic.

The global community shut down their economies after the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the coronavirus had a 3.4% mortality rate.
The WHO leader, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, really stoked fear across the planet when he claimed the COVID-19 had a 3.4% mortality rate and then compared that to the annual estimated flu mortality rate of 0.1%.
It’s not clear if he yet understands his mistake.
Regardless, it sent the global community into a collective economic meltdown.
We don’t know how horrible the economic damage will be but we know it will be huge.
And we are still nowhere near the total flu deaths we see each year.
Don't believe in everything the Mass media throws at you, do your research, I've dome mine.

Be Safe.

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