Saturday 28 March 2020


There's not a single piece of evidence that the administration of any of the different NSAID's {ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, etc)  increases the severity of symptoms or chances of contracting Covid19 (raise of expression on ACE , complete LIE.
The study and paper published by The Lancet Respiratory Medicine led people to believe that they shouldn't take ibuprofen or any of the NSAID family but that study has been done on 

people with diabetes and hypertension are at an increased risk for COVID-19 infection, explained that human pathogenic coronaviruses bind target cells together using angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which can be increased by treatment with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers.

NSAID's never shown to increase that possibility but instead high blood pressure medicines or diabetes medicines.

WHO (World Health Organization) later reversed this advice in a tweet, stating it does “not recommend against the use of ibuprofen.” 

Once more Fake News and Disinformation, do your research people, I've done mine.

Be Safe

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