Tuesday 31 March 2020

WOW! Anti-Trump PBS Hack Yamiche Alcindor Says Covering Trump Is a “Team Sport” for Media “We Have Each Other’s Back”

WOW! Anti-Trump PBS Hack Yamiche Alcindor Says Covering Trump Is a “Team Sport” for Media “We Have Each Other’s Back”

Far left PBS hack Yamiche Alcindor told MSNBC that covering President Trump in the White House is a “team sport” and they have each other’s back in their hatred of the president.
This comes to a surprise to no one.
The liberal White House media has been against this president and any outsideer who threatens their leftist clique.
Yamiche Alcindor badgered President Trump about the media’s “kung flu” rumor earlier this month and attacked the president for calling the current pandemic the Chinse coronavirus.
In November Yamiche said Democrats were hoping the impeachment sham and hearings would sway Americans away from President Trump.
Yamiche called President Trump a liar at the G7 Summit.
And in November 2018 Yamiche Alcindor famously called President Trump a racist and white nationalist.
And Alcindor and her colleagues defended threats against conservative lawmakers.
On Monday Yamiche Alcindor told MSNBC that covering Trump was a “team sport” for the press and that the reporters “have each other’s back” during their attacks on the US President.

Coronavirus testing kits heading to the UK found to be contaminated with Covid-19

Coronavirus testing kits heading to the UK found to be contaminated with Covid-19

Testing kits which were headed to the UK have been found to be contaminated with coronavirus.
The Government has said that it aims to boost the rate of tests to 25,000 every day by the end of April at the latest and has asked private companies to help drive up test production. 
But one production firm, Luxembourg-based manufacturer Eurofins, told UK labs on Monday that deliveries would be delayed as core parts had been contaminated with coronavirus, the Telegraph reported.
This shouldn't significantly affect the UK's testing efforts, Government sources told the paper. 
The news comes after days of confusion over how much testing the UK is doing.
Cabinet minister Michael Gove said on Sunday that the UK had met its target for this stage of the coronavirus response with 10,000 tests done that day.
But Public Health England later released figures showing that just over 8,000 tests had been done in the previous 24 hours, although the NHS had capacity for more than 10,000. 
Professor Anthony Costello, who now works at University College London, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the UK isn't using its resources as efficiently as countries like Germany - which is doing 70,000 tests per day.
He said: "We have 44 molecular virology labs in the UK. If they were doing 400 tests a day we would be up to Germany levels of testing and that is perfectly feasible...
"If you look at Korea, they have done 490,000 tests. Their death rate is three per million and they have suppressed the virus.
“I don’t see why we can’t get these 44 labs up and running, finding cases and testing.
“We must go to mass testing and when we remove the lockdown... then we will have a control mechanism which will enable us to wait, without socially distancing the whole country, for drugs or a vaccine for herd immunity.

Monday 30 March 2020

CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in New York City (VIDEO)

CBS News Caught Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe Conditions in New York City (VIDEO)
This is footage from SKYNews on March 22 from Italy (Hospital in Bergamo)
And here is footage from CBS News during their New York City report on March 25.

CBS News painted a dire picture from New York City this week in their coronavirus coverage.

On Wednesday morning CBS aired this footage from a New York hospital.The footage matches SKY News video from inside an Italian hospital in Bergamo from Sunday March 22.

Sunday 29 March 2020

>20k Deaths in the UK

Epidemiologist Who Estimated 2.2M Dead In U.S., 500,000 In U.K. 
Dramatically Downgrades Projection

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson painted the grimmest of pictures: 
2.2 million dead people in the U.S., 500,000 in the U.K.

His Imperial College London model was heavily cited, including by The New York Times, and has helped guide government decision-making, which has occasionally bordered on hysteria.
But Ferguson also said that things could change if governments took strong action to slow the virus and “flatten the curve” — the upward swing of the number of infected.
Earlier this week, Ferguson — who himself has contracted the virus — testified before the Houses of Parliament and said the death toll in the U.K. could be less than 20,000.
“He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him ‘reasonably confident’ the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower,” New Scientist reported.

The need for intensive care beds will get very close to capacity in some areas, but won’t be breached at a national level, said Ferguson. The projections are based on computer simulations of the virus spreading, which take into account the properties of the virus, the reduced transmission between people asked to stay at home and the capacity of hospitals, particularly intensive care units.

The Imperial model has played a key role in informing the UK’s coronavirus strategy, but this approach has been criticised by some. “To be fair, the Imperial people are the some of the best infectious disease modellers on the planet,” Paul Hunter at the University of East Anglia, UK, told New Scientist last week. “But it is risky to put all your eggs in a single basket.”

In his testimony, Ferguson said more people than expected likely have the virus (for most people, there are only mild symptoms). “I should admit, we’ve always been sensitive in the analysis in the modeling to a variety of levels or values to those quantities. What we’ve been seeing, though, in Europe in the last week or two is a rate of growth of the epidemic which was faster than we expected from early data in China. And so we are revising our quotes, our central best estimate of the reproduction… something more, a little bit above of the order of three or a little bit above rather than about 2.5.”
With more people than expected, the death drops (since the fatality rate is hovering around 1%). Researchers at Oxford say possibly half the U.K. population has already been infected, The Financial Times reported.
On March 17, Ferguson and his colleagues issued catastrophic predictions that if the U.K. did nothing more than 500,000 citizens would die from coronavirus, and that even with some mitigation efforts it “would still result in about 250,000 deaths and completely overwhelm intensive care in the NHS,” the BBC reported. 
But with the new numbers, Ferguson said: “There will be some areas that are extremely stressed but we are reasonably confident — which is all we can be at the current time — that at the national level we will be within capacity.”

Leronlimab Covid19 Experimetal Drug

Coronavirus Patients Taken Off Ventilators and Out of ICU After Receiving Experimental Drug Leronlimab

Two patients in New York City were taken off ventilators taken out of intensive care after they received the experimental drug leronlimab.
At least two of seven patients on leronlimad saw significant improvement.

This follows the news on Friday that the renowned French epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study on the use of hdroxychloroquine on coronavirus patients.

The Resident Doctors reported:

Two coronavirus patients in New York City are off ventilators and out of intensive care after they received an experimental drug to treat HIV and breast cancer.
As the skyrocketing number of cases stretches city hospitals to the limit, doctors are racing to find out which drugs on the market or in development might help in fighting the infection.
The drug, leronlimab, is delivered by injection twice in the abdomen, the Daily Mail reported.
Of seven critically ill patients who received the drug in New York, two were removed from ventilators and two showed significant improvement.
Doctors right now don’t know quite how leronlimab works, but studies suggest it calms the overly aggressive immune response.

Jim Santilli Blasts Michigan Governor For Banning Drug That Saved His Life

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: “I’m Actually Ashamed She’s Our Governor” — COVID-19 Survivor Jim Santilli Blasts Michigan Governor For Banning Drug That Saved His Life

A survivor of the COVID-19, who nearly died from the virus last week, is repudiating Michigan Governor Gretchen Wilson for outlawing hydroxychloroquine, a drug that he attributes to saving his life, from doctors and pharmacists amid mass hysteria ignited by the global pandemic.
After wheezing and struggling to breathe with a racing heart for four days, 38-year old Jim Santilli began staring at the clock on the wall while lying in a hospital bed wondering if the next hour would be his last.
“On March 18, it was a Wednesday, I suddenly developed severe cardiac and respiratory issues. My heart rate was up in the 160s. I had extremely high blood pressure suddenly and then also had difficulty breathing, coughing and some wheezing taking place,” Santilli explained in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit. “So I went to Henry Ford Colin Hospital in Clinton Township he explained. “Immediately upon arrival they suspected COVID-19.”
“Throughout the days, my condition continued to worsen. The trouble breathing got worse. My vitals were up and down the whole time. By Saturday morning, March 21, I was at a point that I truly did not believe that I would live to see midnight that night. The gasping for air was just so bad, I felt like I was drowning.”
Doctors gave Santilli, President & Chief Pilot at Great Lakes Air Operations, numerous medications but as his respiratory condition became more severe, none were effective.
“Unfortunately, with COVID, they really have their hands tied. They could not actually give me albuterol through a breathing treatment because the tiny droplets could spread in the air. If you have COVID-19, you’re restricted to just a regular inhaler,” he said. “I was also getting some steroids, however, that’s the other issue, I couldn’t use a higher dose – steroids can have an adverse effect on COVI-19. They gave me some antibiotics as well.”
Alarmed after administering all remedies to no avail, doctors resorted to deploying an infectious disease specialist who finally provided a solution.
“They did another chest x-ray that day that actually showed the condition inside my lungs was worsening – I even had some partial collapsing going on. The physician came to see me and told me basically that they had exhausted all options at that point,” he said. “That was the scariest part – being in the hospital, trying treatment and not getting better. That was the first time in my life I had experienced something so horrible.
“The infectious disease physician came to see me and immediately recommended using hydroxychloroquine and the azithromycin. Immediately upon receiving the hydroxychloroquine, as well as the azithromycin that Saturday evening, probably within a period of about 2 hours, I got a drastic improvement, a total 180 degrees. The gasping for air stopped. My vitals were improving,” Santelli said. “To be honest – I was in tears because I actually had hope. I felt that I could finally beat whatever I was battling.”
Despite President Trump’s announcement detailing the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in combatting the illness that has reportedly been contracted by at least 121,285 people in the US and led to the deaths of over 2,000 Americans, Democrat lawmakers are banning the medicine.

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs on Thursday issued a warning to all physicians and pharmacists in the state, threatening “professional consequences” if they prescribe or dispense hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.
“Beyond the rational recommendation against hoarding as production of this medication needs to be ramped up, the letter deviates into open threats of “administrative action” against the licenses of doctors that prescribe hydroxychloroquine,” The Detroit News reports.
The governor is also ordering pharmacists to “ignore physician orders for this medication” while health care providers are “required to report inappropriate prescribing practices.