Friday 12 March 2021

Fauci Admits There Is No ‘Science’ Behind Continued Lockdown - Video and PCR tests are USELESS


Fauci Admits There Is No ‘Science’ Behind Continued Lockdown

“When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call”

In a rare moment of truth of CNN Wednesday, Anthony Fauci admitted that there is no scientific reason why people who have had the COVID vaccine are still having their freedoms restricted.

CNN host John Berman asked Fauci “What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated – received two doses, to travel?”

“When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call,” Fauci replied, declaring that Americans will just have to trust the CDC:

As we reported this week, CNN announced that the CDC is graciously allowing vaccinated Americans some ‘limited freedoms’, prompting a huge backlash on social media where people pointed out that the health body doesn’t grant anyone their God given freedoms.

So, there is no science and the CDC is making a judgement call about how ‘free’ Americans can be. Hmmm.

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