Sunday 21 March 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research


COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research

The current vaccines — Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, the J&J vaccine (using a human adenovirus vector), and the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine (using a modified chimpanzee adenovirus) — instruct a person’s cells to produce COVID19 spike proteins.

Recent research has found that the COVID19 spike protein by itself may be causing much of the damage in COVID19 patients in endothelium and organs, without the virus itself present.

If this is the case, deliberately causing a person’s body to make these spike proteins, and for an unknown period of time, could subject healthy people as well as the most vulnerable (including those with pre-existing conditions most at risk according to the scientific literature) to grave public health risks — extensive damage in the endothelium and in many organs including the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver, thrombosis/blood clotting, severe illness, heart attacks, and death.

Further, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA is encapsulated in a lipid envelope to protect the mRNA from destruction. It will send its message to a person’s cells to produce spike proteins for an unknown period of time, perhaps permanently.

Some medical experts also report that people of Hispanic/Native American and African genetic background degrade mRNA more slowly, making them particularly at risk for long-lasting spike protein production and its related effects. These people may also have lower Vitamin D due to genetics, putting them at greater overall immune risk. And they often have a higher immune response – another risk factor. In their recent white paper “COVID-19 experimental vaccine candidates”, the organization America’s Frontline Doctors warns:

A too strong immune reaction to a vaccine can result in inflammatory disease like transverse myelitis (inflammation and paralysis of the spinal cord). This raises grave concern about prioritizing African Americans to receive an experimental vaccine when so much available science shows that this demographic is already at a higher risk for adverse reactions to vaccines.

Patrick Whelan MD, UCLA, alerted the FDA in December prior to Pfizer vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA) that the COVID19 spike protein might be causing tissue damage associated with COVID19, — “microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.”

In a September 2020 article, Forbes writer Dr. William Hasseltine said that vaccine protocols had minor symptom mitigation as a first priority, not immunity or major symptom or death reduction. This makes sense because how can immunity or protection from the virus happen when only spike proteins are the target? Immunity happens when the virus itself is the target of the body’s response. In October, Associate Editor Peter Doshi wrote in the British Medical Journal:

“None of the trials currently underway [J&J was not in this group] are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or death. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”

Doshi’s chart in his article drives home his point. He cites Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks who said, “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission”. This isn’t being disclosed to the public. These vaccines are being sold to all of us on the basis of immunity, but they likely won’t affect immunity or transmissibility at all.

Nor is it being disclosed that past SARS vaccines have failed, severely sickening or killing many of the animal and human subjects when they encountered the wild virus, with some scientists warning that new SARS vaccine development should not be attempted again.

Vaccination could dramatically exacerbate what you and the county are trying to stop. If that happened, the financial and economic costs to the county could be staggering and not repairable. Every business sector would be affected but Monterey County’s agriculture industry, already negatively impacted by fewer ag workers, would be disabled if significant numbers of workers have vaccine-related health problems. And the tourism industry would plummet if there are vaccination-related health effects on the overall state, national, and international population, and on local workers.

Suspend mass vaccinations and county vaccinations immediately and investigate this public health risk. Raise these urgent issue with state health officials.

On December 1, former Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and German epidemiologist and pulmonary specialist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg petitioned the European Medicine Agency to suspend immediately all SARS COV2 vaccine studies over adverse effects.

“Governments are planning to expose millions of healthy people to unacceptable risks…”

There are other vaccine risks. Spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins. Syncytin-1 is necessary for placental attachment in pregnancy. Antibodies against the spike protein could trigger an immune response against syncytin-1, causing an auto-immune rejection of the placenta. and permanently interfere with a woman’s ability to maintain a pregnancy. A syncytin-homologous protein in the brain could cause multiple sclerosis.

Other autoimmune reactions could result. Immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) where the immune system attacks the platelets or the cells that make them, is being investigated in connection with the vaccines. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) causes a vaccinated person to get a worse case of the disease when exposed to the wild virus. In addition, a reported 70% of people develop antibodies to polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is in the mRNA vaccines and can experience anaphylactic reactions or shock. Polysorbate-80 in the J&J vaccine can also cause anaphylactic reactions, has caused cancer in animal studies, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. PEG and polysorbates may cause cross-reactive hypersensitivity.

There is an already high rate of deaths and adverse reactions reported from December 14 through March 5 on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following vaccine administration – 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries, 390 incidents of Bell’s palsy – a 31% spike from the previous week, 85 reports of miscarriage or premature birth, and a total of 31,079 cases of adverse reactions in this short span of time. The VAERS system is entirely voluntary, and a government study found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse reactions were reported there. High rates of death following vaccination have been reported in some nursing homes. J&J had to pause its trial due an adverse event it refused to disclose. The AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine has now been suspended in over 20 countries including Germany, Austria, and France, due to many adverse events following vaccination. AZ trials were paused when transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis, acute neuro encephalopathy and one death occurred. Since rollout, adverse events include severe cases of brain hemorrhage or blood clots, reduced blood platelets and deaths, affecting even healthy young people with no medical problems.

It is estimated to take 6 weeks for the body to begin producing spike proteins. Who is monitoring mid-term or long-term effects once that happens and the body produces antibodies to the proteins, especially adverse events in migrant farmworker and homeless populations?

Since it is unknown how long the mRNA signal will continue to tell the cells to produce spike proteins, how long can the body continue to manufacture antibodies to the spike protein? At what point will the body’s immune response be exhausted and fail, leaving the person unprotected and biological homeostasis at risk?

Moderna chief medical officer Tal Zaks said in a 2017 TED talk, “We are actually hacking the software of life.”

“Imagine if instead of giving [the patient] the protein of a virus, we gave them the instructions on how to make the protein, how the body can make its own vaccine,” he said. , “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.”

“In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system.

So if you could change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.”

In December, the FDA acted “to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product [Pfizer], for active immunization…”(emphasis added). The vaccines will remain in trials through 2023. They are experimental vaccines that are being tested on the public. COVID19 vaccine manufacturers were given legal immunity from adverse effects in the U.S. In countries where they are not given immunity, companies are demanding sovereign country assets as collateral against lawsuits.

Accurate testing and statistics are essential to make sure that Monterey County and California are not mis-categorized and put in the wrong tiers due to false positives. Many medical experts warn that PCR testing is a research tool, not a diagnostic one, and that it can’t be used as an indicator of disease. It may only detect viral DNA and artifacts, not the virus itself. They also warn that the number of PCR amplifications encouraged by the WHO, especially last year (which then revised its guidance downward in January 2021) caused a high number of false positives – as high as 97%.. “Falling” COVID19 numbers may be due to fewer false positives. What percentage are still false positives is unknown. WHO shows no 2020-2021 flu season. Are flu cases being re-characterized or mis-characterized as COVID19 numbers, inflating the totals?


A shift in focus to treatment with safe and well-studied therapeutics and tools, especially early on, is recommended by medical professionals as essential. The public should be equipped with this information like the existence of inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 entry, that targets ACE2, TMPRSS2 and HSPG's.

Magro et al. (2020) suggested that Lectin Affinity plasmapheresis, used to treat Ebola virus and MERS, might be a therapeutic tool to filter and remove circulating virus and pseudovirions including the spike protein. Other literature suggests UV blood irradiation could be a useful tool for killing viruses.

Vitamin D and L-Cysteine has been suggested to boost immunity especially for African Americans.

There are additional important COVID19, vaccine, and policy issues.

Listen to the independent physicians and researchers that are risking their careers to act as whistleblowers and join them in this critical, far-reaching public health crisis for the public’s sake.

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