Wednesday 1 April 2020

Sweden Has Lower Number of Coronavirus Cases per Million People than United States — And Sweden Did Not Shut Down Country or Destroy Its Economy

STUNNING: Sweden Has Lower Number of Coronavirus Cases per Million People than United States — And Sweden Did Not Shut Down Country or Destroy Its Economy

As we reported earlier Sweden is taking a different approach in battling the coronavirus pandemic.

The country remains open for business and life goes on as usual with few restrictions.

And after several weeks of their experiment it appears Sweden is doing no worse than any other advanced country.

Here are numbers on the Seasonal Flu numbers for this season – compared to the US coronavirus numbers – compared to Sweden’s coronavirus numbers.

Here is Sweden versus US in number of cases recorded each day.
The number of cases in Sweden is increasing at a slower rate than the US.  However, the US ramped up testing this month.

And here are the number of coronavirus deaths in each country in March.

And what is most interesting is Sweden has 239 cases per million people.
The United States has 550 cases per million people.

So Sweden is actually doing better than the US in number of recorded cases per million people.

And Sweden is not destroying their economy or future.

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