Wednesday 8 April 2020

People in Wuhan Arrange to Secretly Move Dead Bodies at Night to Keep China's Record of 'Zero New Coronavirus Cases'

People in Wuhan Arrange to Secretly Move Dead Bodies at Night to Keep China's Record of 'Zero New Coronavirus Cases' 
The ChiComs are reporting no new cases of the Coronavirus and expecting the world to believe they have taken care of the problem.The fraudstream media in the US is parroting the CCP and claiming China has no new Coronavirus cases while the US death toll is rising daily.

“U.S. reports 1,264 coronavirus deaths in over 24 hours,” NBC reported.
NBC then parroted the CCP: “Meanwhile in China, where the pandemic broke out, not a single new coronavirus death was reported.”

However, all China is doing is covering up the true body count by moving dead bodies at night and paying citizens to keep quiet about deceased loved ones.

According to reporter Jennifer Zeng, it was said some families have accepted 3000 yuan ($421) allowance from the government, on the condition that they would bury their loved ones quietly without crying or talking about it.
The truth is, China is simply refusing to admit Coronavirus patients in order to keep a “zero new case” record.
“Somewhere in #Wuhan, people moving body secretly as “zero new cases” has become a political task, and communities dare not break the “zero new cases” record, so they arrange to have the body moved at midnight.” – said reporter Jennifer Zeng.
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There are still recent videos showing people falling down on the ground in China.
This video is from Dongguan City in Guangdong province.
No one even dared approach the man to help him because hospitals are no longer helping patients with the Coronavirus.
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