Monday 13 April 2020

China Coronavirus is Linked to the Former Leader of the Chinese Communist Party, His Family and Soros Investments. Does This Surprise Anyone?

China Coronavirus is Linked to the Former Leader of the Chinese Communist Party, His Family and Soros Investments. Does This Surprise Anyone?
The deadly China coronavirus that has now circled the globe is connected to one of the former leaders in China and his family, as well as George Soros.

Who would have figured?

The China coronavirus has connections to former leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin.  For starters, Jiang is the grandfather of Jiang Zhicheng, Who has a controlling interest in WuXi AppTec, which controls Fosun Pharma.
In January of this year, a few months ago as the coronavirus was first being reported in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent on a US drug, Remdesivir, used for the treatment of Ebola and coronavirus infections.  George Soros invests in WuXi.
We’ve previously reported on George Soros.  We reported during the corrupt impeachment hearings how Obama’s State and Justice Departments were assisting George Soros in his attempt to control the Ukraine.  Former US Attorney Joe diGenova called out George Soros as a Ukrainian oligarch who is anti free speech and attacks those who speak freely about him.
George Soros is a major Democrat donor and at the same time connected to numerous actions around the world that are very suspicious, if not corrupt. At the time of the 2017 Inauguration, we reported that Soros related groups were linked to every major protest since the November election.
Soros was interviewed years ago on CBS’s 60 Minutes where he admitted helping Nazi’s during World War II. He helped Nazis steal from Jews during the war. Soros is a Jew. Note that even in this video he parades his activities in the Ukraine.Soros groups were reportedly behind the airport protests after President Trump’s election. A week before that Soros was reportedly behind 50 Groups involved in the ‘Women’s Protests’ the day after the inauguration. Before that, Soros groups were connected to the groups demanding election recounts after the November 8th election and Soros money was funding more protests during these efforts. And DC Leaks released information showing that Soros funded Black Lives Matter protests across the country.President Trump called out Soros when a couple of his paid stooges attacked Republican Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator getting him to cave during the Kavanaugh hearing
The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love!
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We reported that a group attacking Judge Kavanaugh and other Trump Judicial nominees was being fueled by dark money from George Soros. Later Soros groups were connected to racial riots in DC before the midterms.
In the past month alone we reported that a Soros assistant was the official escort for 16-year-old Global Warming ‘Expert’ Greta Thunberg. Soros was also involved in the Russia collusion scam. He also has been involved with numerous politicians in Europe.
In addition, we’ve reported that that George Soros wanted to take over the oil and gas industry in the Ukraine. This may have been one of the reasons the Obama Administration helped him there.
So based on all the above, it is no surprise that Soros or one of his affiliated groups would be linked to the China coronavirus in some manner.  We previously reported on Dr. Fauci from the US coronavirus task force and his connections to George Soros.  We also reported on Soros’s investments in WuXi AppTec.
Jiang Zemin’s son is Jiang Mianheng, who is an ex VP of the China Academy of Science (CAS), where he was responsible for the design, funding and construction of the P4 Lab in Wuhan.  The younger Jiang also is a partner with Chen Zhu, another ex-VP of CAS, who was responsible for the design, funding and construction of the P4 Lab.  He is now president of the Red Cross Society in China.
The current director of the P4 Lab is Yuan Zhiming.  Mr. Yuan is a partner with Jiang Zemin’s grandson, Jiang Zhicheng.

The BELOW depicts how the family of the former Head of the Chinese Communist Party in China is connected to George Soros.  Is it really a surprise these people are linked to the China coronavirus?

Google and Apple Team Up To Track Coronavirus Infecteds; Phone App Will Warn Others When Near Infecteds

Google and Apple Team Up To Track Coronavirus Infecteds; Phone App Will Warn Others When Near Infecteds

In a rare moment of detente, tech rivals Google and Apple are apparently teaming up with a new strategy to track and surveil World Population

The tech giants will log people using their phone who have apparently tested positive for Covid 19.  The corporations will track where the person goes using their phone, then issue warnings on other people’s phones when they get near an area where an infected person is or has recently been.
This is truly Orwellian.  These are the same corporations that regularly discriminate against and censor conservatives.
Apple and Google announced a partnership Friday to try to use technology to trace the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
The two companies, usually fierce rivals, said they would work together in the coming weeks to build new tools that would enable people and health authorities to track the virus using Bluetooth proximity data from their smartphones.
“We hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life,” the two companies said in a rare joint statement.
Google and Apple said their work would come in two stages. In the first stage, next month, they plan to release a set of tools known as application programming interfaces (APIs) so that apps created by public health authorities could work on both iPhones and on phones that run Google’s Android operating system.
Then, in the second stage over the coming months, the two companies would build a voluntary tracing system directly into their iOS and Android operating systems.
Versions of coronavirus tracking apps already exist in China, Singapore, Israel and elsewhere, but efforts have been slower in the U.S. and Europe, because of concerns about privacy and because “contact tracing” must be combined with widespread testing in order to work.
The idea is that an app could remember, via anonymous Bluetooth signals, which other phones have been nearby. If someone you had coffee with two days ago tests positive for the coronavirus, you would get a notification along the lines of “you may have recently been exposed” — and advising temporary isolation.
In the version of the system set to roll out next month, the operating-system-level Bluetooth tracing would allow users to opt in to a Bluetooth-based proximity-detection scheme when they download a contact-tracing app. Their phone would then constantly ping out Bluetooth signals to others nearby while also listening for communications from nearby phones.
If two phones spend more than a few minutes within range of one another, they would each record contact with the other phone, exchanging unique, rotating identifier “beacon” numbers that are based on keys stored on each device. Public heath app developers would be able to “tune” both the proximity and the amount of time necessary to qualify as a contact based on current information about how Covid-19 spreads.
If a user is later diagnosed with Covid-19, they would alert their app with a tap. The app would then upload their last two weeks of keys to a server, which would then generate their recent “beacon” numbers and send them out to other phones in the system. If someone else’s phone finds that one of these beacon numbers matches one stored on their phone, they would be notified that they’ve been in contact with a potentially infected person and given information about how to help prevent further spread.
This is just the latest creepy surveillance tactic that’s been proposed. You know, for our own safety and protection.

Sunday 12 April 2020

‘China Was Not Truthful’: Ex-FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb Explains How Beijing Misled The World About Coronavirus - The Daily Caller

‘China Was Not Truthful’: Ex-FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb Explains How Beijing Misled The World About Coronavirus - The Daily Caller

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, criticized the World Health Organization and the Chinese government on Sunday, saying that both stymied the global response to the novel coronavirus, likely allowing it to spread more dramatically across the globe.
“China was not truthful with the world at the outset of this,” Gottlieb said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“Had they been more truthful with the world, which would have enabled them to be more truthful with themselves, they might have actually been able to contain this entirely.”
Gottlieb, who left the Trump administration last year, said that the Chinese government delayed sharing two vital pieces of information that would have allowed other nations to prevent the spread of coronavirus: evidence that coronavirus could transmit through human-to-human contact and live samples of the virus, which began spreading from a wet market in Wuhan in November 2019. (RELATED: Scott Gottlieb Has A Detailed Plan To Reopen The United States)
“There is some growing evidence to suggest that as late as January 20th [Chinese officials] were still saying there was no human-to-human transmission, and the WHO was validating those claims on January 14th, sort of enabling the obfuscation of China,” Gottlieb said.

Gottlieb expanded on that same point in a separate interview Friday.
He told National Review’s Rich Lowry that Chinese officials were tracking outbreaks of coronavirus in Wuhan in December 2019 and knew that the virus displayed human-to-human transmission. Had international officials known that the virus transmitted in that manner, they likely would have been better prepared for a possible pandemic.
“If they would have instituted steps then and been more forthcoming about what was happening then, this might have been an entirely avoidable world event,” he told Lowry in a podcast interview.
Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator, offered a similar critique of the Chinese government in a press conference on March 31.
“The medical community interpreted the Chinese data as, this was serious, but smaller,” she said. “Because, I think, probably we were missing a significant amount of the data.”
Gottlieb also said Beijing refused to share live strains of the virus, which delayed development of a test that could diagnose patients with COVID-19.
“The WHO should have made them do that,” Gottlieb said. “Had they done that earlier, we could have developed a diagnostic test earlier.”
Gottlieb called on WHO to produce an after-action report examining “what China did or didn’t tell the world, and how that stymied the global responses.”
Despite that litany of grievances, Gottlieb said that he does not believe that the U.S. government should stop funding the WHO. President Donald Trump said last week that he is considering pulling funding for the organization. The U.S. contributes 15% of WHO’s budget, the largest by far of any country.
“I don’t think this is a time to defund the WHO, given the fact that I think this is going to become epidemic in the southern hemisphere,” said Gottlieb. He said that the WHO would be useful in helping nations in the southern hemisphere that don’t have the resources to deal with a pandemic.

Friday 10 April 2020

French Study of 1,500+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen

French Study of 1,500+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen

In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study.

This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for a very sick 86-year-old with an advanced form of coronavirus infection.

This is wonderful news.
Unfortunately, this doctor’s work helps the the global community and Trump so the the liberal media has either ignored, attacked or mocked his research.
What awful people.

Nos deux articles publiés ce soir permettent de contiuer à démontrer :
1. L'efficacité de notre protocole, sur 80 patients.
2. La pertinence de l'association de l'hydroxychloroquine et de l'azithromycine, grâce à des recherches réalisées dans notre laboratoire de confinement P3. 

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Nouvel article publié on-line par mes équipes : démonstration in vitro de la synergie hydroxychloroquine/azithromycine pour contrer la réplication du SARS-COV2

In vitro testing of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin on SARS-CoV-2 shows synergistic effect 
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Since that time Dr. Roult has continued his study and now has over 1,000 coronavirus patients.

98% of his COVID-19 patients have survived and improved using the drug combination.

Thursday 9 April 2020

The way to punish China for letting its virus loose on the world

The way to punish China for letting its virus loose

The entire world is suffering from the Chinese coronavirus.  No objective observer can deny with a straight face China's guilt in this matter despite the blizzard of propaganda being put out daily by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to contrary. This has prompted numerous suggestions — herehere, and here — that China should be forced to pay reparations for releasing this plague on the world.
Aside from money, China critic Gordon Chang has another thought.  He wants Chinese leaders to be subjected to a Nuremberg-type trial for that country's crime against humanity. 
As justified and satisfying as these ideas are, they will not come to fruition.  But that does not mean that the West is powerless to make China pay.  The most effective way is for the West, especially the U.S., to decouple China from its markets, economies, and societies.  Does that sound harsh?  Perhaps, but it is necessary.  China has proven six ways to Sunday that it is a cancer that will poison any society it is allowed to infest.  History shows that the Chinese lie and cheat on every trade agreement, they steal technology and trade secrets with abandon, and they corrupt the politics of other countries.  Look at America.  The Democrat Party and media act as if they are occupied territory of the CCP.  Such is the power of money.
Right now, although China has inflicted a plague on the world, the Chinese are trying to profit from it by supplying shoddy medical goods to desperate countries.  Soon, the Chinese will also be looking to buy up Western countries that have been beaten down as the result of the Chinese coronavirus.  To show that the globalists have not soured on China, look at the United Nations.  Incredibly, that world organization has just appointed communist China to a panel on the U.N. Human Rights Council.
One has to believe that despite self-serving pleading from Wall Street and the big international companies that are invested in China, America will start this decoupling process once the virus has burned itself out, especially if Donald Trump wins re-election and has a Republican Congress behind him. 
China Should Pay a Financial Cost For It's Coronavirus Lies China committed a crime against the world, and somehow it must pay. 
As a direct result of the untruths, people died and economies collapsed. Beijing must pay for the damage it maliciously inflicted on the world.
China’s misdeeds are far worse than people have characterized them. Most critically, China hid the fact it knew that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, could be transmitted from one human to another.
Beijing admitted that on January 20, when Zhong Nanshan, the famed Chinese pulmonologist, at a televised press briefing talked about two such transmissions in Guangdong province. The same day, the National Health Commission officially confirmed the human-to-human spreading of the disease.
Yet doctors in Wuhan knew by the second week of December that human-to-human transmissions were occurring as there was no other explanation for the particular cases they were observing.
Chinese officials, however, assured the World Health Organization that such transmissions were not possible. As a result, WHO issued its infamous tweet of January 14 propagating China’s false position.
WHO’s assurances undoubtedly lulled countries into not taking the precautions that they would otherwise have adopted.
China’s sin was compounded because, while it denied the possibility of human-to-human transmissions, it worked hard to prevent other countries from imposing travel restrictions and quarantines, especially prevailing on WHO to do its bidding. As the organization stated on January 10, “WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China based on the information currently available on this event.” The critical words in this advisory are “on the information currently available,” in other words, information supplied by China itself.
Even China’s lesser untruths had severe consequences. As has become evident—and as the U.S. intelligence community has concluded—China intentionally undercounted the number of coronavirus cases.
China’s undercounting helped create a false sense of security. “I think when you looked at the China data originally, and you said, ‘Oh, well there’s 80 million people,’ or 20 million people in Wuhan and 80 million people in Hubei, and they come up with a number of 50,000, you start thinking of this more like SARS than you do this kind of global pandemic,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus coordinator, on March 31 at the daily press briefing. “So I think the medical community made—interpreted the Chinese data as, that this was serious but smaller than anyone expected, because I think probably we were missing a significant amount of the data, now that when we see what happened to Italy and we see what happened to Spain.”
Surely, public health officials elsewhere, convinced that the coronavirus outbreak was no worse than SARS, reacted the same way as America.
We do not know what China’s leaders in fact intended in December and January, but they knew what COVID-19 did to China. If they wanted to cripple other societies with the virus, they would have done what they in fact did.
So should China pay? Senator Marsha Blackburn, the Tennessee Republican, said Beijing should forgive some of its holdings of American debt and has sponsored Senate Resolution 553 to that effect.
Americans, therefore, are resorting to more coercive means, going to Federal court. A lawsuit seeking $20 trillion in damages has been filed in Texas, and there is a similar one in Florida. There is also a case in Nevada.
James Kraska of the U.S. Naval War College, citing the International Law Commission’s 2001 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts and the 2005 International Health Regulations, believes China can be found liable for money damages.
There does not seem to be a practical judicial remedy in America, however. Cases in U.S. courts are unlikely to get far because of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
Americans are not the only ones who are angry. Jurists in India filed a case against China at the U.N. Human Rights Council, and London’s Daily Mail reports that a study shows Beijing owes Great Britain 351 billion pounds in coronavirus damages.
Yes, there is the International Court of Justice, but China can refuse to submit to its jurisdiction.  
So what will countries do? Denied access to courts, the aggrieved can take matters into their own hands. They can, for instance, seize China’s assets.
Americans have been talking about confiscating China’s hoard of U.S. Treasury obligations, in excess of $1 trillion.
China would excoriate Washington, claiming that such an action was a repudiation of indebtedness. It would also bash America as an irresponsible steward of the global financial system. Yet Beijing could not make that claim stick if the issuers of other major currencies—London, Brussels, Bern, Ottawa, and Tokyo, for example—also confiscated assets at the same time.
Of course, Beijing could retaliate by seizing assets in China, but that is not going to help them. Chinese officials desperately need the help of foreign businesses to revive an economy that is in the midst of a coronavirus-caused contraction. China has no good retaliatory options.There’s nothing Beijing can do to ever make countries whole for maliciously spreading the coronavirus because there is no real compensation for lives lost and to be lost. Yet the world must express its indignation and take actions that impose great costs on the Chinese state. If nothing else, doing so will help deter China and other malign actors from causing such harm again.