Saturday 3 April 2021

The lies of Roe v. Wade that led to legal abortion

The Lies of Roe v. Wade 

that led to legal abortion

Roe v. Wade has shaped up to be the most catastrophic U.S. Supreme Court decision of all time. 60 million innocent children’s lives have been lost, with mothers suffering immense pain and regret as a result — and all because of a bad law which was completely based on lies. Here are the LIES:

Lie #1: Jane Roe had been raped.

The truth: She wasn’t raped… and she never had an abortion.

Jane Roe, whom we now know as Norma McCorvey, was just 21 years old when she became pregnant for the third time and sought an abortion in the state of Texas. Texas law, however, stated that a woman could only undergo an abortion if the mother’s life was at risk. McCorvey was put in contact with two lawyers, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, who were looking for a pregnant woman to help them build a case to legalize abortion. McCorvey lied and said she had been raped. That lie became the basis for the legal fight against the District Attorney of Dallas County, Henry Wade. The lawyers knew that the case would never be finished in time for McCorvey to get an abortion and she ended up giving birth and placing the child for adoption. McCorvey not only admitted later on that she had lied about being raped, but she became pro-life and worked to end legal abortion up until her death in 2017.

Lie #2: 60% of Americans wanted legalized abortion.

The truth: Abortion advocates told the media they had public opinion on their side. They didn’t.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was one of the main proponents of legalized abortion. He founded NARAL but later became pro-life. He admitted, “We persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one…. Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion. This is the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie. Few people care to be in the minority.”

Lie #3: One million illegal abortions had taken place in the U.S.

The truth: The number of illegal abortions was a mere fraction of this.

Nathanson also admitted to additional lies, including that a million illegal abortions had taken place in the United States. In reality, he later said that number was “approaching 100,000” and that by fabricating this number, they were able to drum up support for abortion.

Lie #4: 10,000 women died annually from illegal abortions.

The truth: The actual number was around 300 — even less the year before Roe.

Recently, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) claimed the number of deaths from illegal abortion in the 1950s and 60s was between 200,000 and 1.2 million. She was completely wrong. Yet, the enormous lie that women were dying right and left from illegal abortion before Roe has been pushed for decades by pro-abortion groups who were trying to legalize abortion. They claimed about 10,000 women had died. Nathanson, however, admitted that this number was also fabricated because 10,000 was a “nice, round, shocking figure.” He said the real number was around 300 and that number had dropped consistently between 1930 and 1970 thanks to advances in antibiotic care.

And in 1972, the year before Roe v. Wade was decided, the Centers for Disease Control reported 39 maternal deaths from illegal abortion. Each of those losses — all 39 children and their mothers — is a tragedy. And the millions that followed after abortion was legalized are also tragedies — all because the government would rather kill than offer real assistance.

Lie #5: Legal abortion would lead to safe abortion.

The truth: Women are still injured and killed by abortion.

Once they had convinced people that 10,000 women had been killed through back-alley abortions, they promised that legal abortion would save women’s lives. But it hasn’t. Women are still injured and killed by abortion, it’s just that the media doesn’t tell us about it. It isn’t all their fault; the abortion industry attempts to cover up these deaths whenever they can. Tonya Reaves, Jennifer Morbelli, Lakisha Wilson, Jamie Lynn Morales, and Christina Stile are just a handful of the women who have been killed by the legal abortion industry.

Lie #6: The embryo/fetus/preborn are not human beings.

The truth: Biology and technology both show us that the preborn can be nothing other than human.

Nathanson, after becoming pro-life, admitted that it was a strategic move to claim that preborn children are not humans.

One of our strategies…,” he said, “was to deny what we knew to be true: that an abortion kills an existing human being. We denied that fact in an effort to mislead the American public and the courts of this land.”

Thanks to modern technology, we now have the opportunity to see inside the womb at every stage of development. Pro-choice Americans can no longer claim that preborn children are not human beings.

If it hadn’t been for all of these lies, perhaps the United States could have found better ways to help women facing unplanned or high-risk pregnancies. Killing preborn children has not helped end rape or poverty. It hasn’t helped women to receive equal treatment compared to men. All it has done is continue the lies that women are weak and incapable.

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