Sunday 17 January 2021

Wednesday, January 6, 2021: The Siege on Capitol Hill. The Impeachment of Donald Trump


Wednesday, January 6, 2021: The Siege on Capitol Hill. The Impeachment of Donald Trump

“The purpose of impeachment is to get somebody out of office. If they’re already out of office what’s the purpose? It’s all a political act, and the Establishment getting rid of a non-establishment figure who was seen as a treat to their agendas and who had massive popular support.”

– Paul Craig Roberts



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The remarkable events unfolding on Capitol Hill in the afternoon of January 6, 2021 have been compared to Pearl Harbor. [2]

Thousands of aggrieved Americans descending on the home of leading democratic structures and then breaking through into the U.S. Capitol! [3]

Capitol police were described by the media as being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people. The protesters stormed in and raised havoc.

They collected in the Senate Chamber while the democratic representatives huddled in a secure location. A few of the culprits made it into House Representative Nancy Pelosi. And there were five individuals who died in the clash, including the death of a protester – U.S. Air Force Veteran and Qanon supporter Ashli Babbit. [4][5][6]

Senators, media personalities, and talking heads everywhere noted the tragedy, the terror, and the insult to the principles the elected individuals swore an oath to uphold when they set up an office in this nearly two and a half century old institution. The shattered politicians in the wake of the calamity named a singular villain as the author of this misfortune…Donald Trump. [7]

Now, the outgoing president, with less than a week to go before his regularly appointed succession has been impeached a second time. He has lost access to twitter and other platforms. And he may have lost any chance of returning again in four years for a rematch. [8][9]

Now, in just a few days, shortly after securing the presidency, Joe Biden will surely announce measures leading the charge against fascists, “White Supremacists” and “conspiracy theorists” to insure they will never again challenge the nation as a bastion of democracy.

Looking at this situation as the dust settles behind us, certain questions have started to challenge the 1/6 official story.

After weeks of preparing for a major insurgency of angry individuals, why was the Capitol police acting so incompetently?

Why would an unarmed U.S. Capitol Hill police officer hold off a mob by himself and then provoke them into following him right to the Senate Chamber?

Why does the scene in which Ashli Babbitt was killed appear ‘staged?’

A further concern pertain to the measures to be introduced to defeat the angry mobs of the future. Will they stop at Trump supporters? What about BLM? Or anti-war demonstrators? Peddlers of ‘conspiracy theories?’

These are the questions we will focus on in this brand new episode of the Global Research News Hour.

In our first hour, we get an opinion from the renowned commentator and analyst Paul Craig Roberts. He describes the January 6 riots as essentially a false flag. He also explains why Trump is targeted, why the election actually was fraudulent, and what the future holds for a split America.

Next up is former journalist and media critic Barrie Zwicker. He too agrees it was a false flag and puts the Washington incident in the context of countless others throughout history.

Finally, we hear from Jason Bermas. He presented himself as a reporter in the crowd. He relies a little more about what happened there and why the mainstream media is distorting the Trump supporters and thus the overall picture of the action.


  1. William L Shirer (1960), The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, published by Simon and Shuster
  2. Pail Kengor (January 12, 2021), ‘January 6, 2021: The New Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor, 9/11?’, The American Spectator;
  5. Http://
  6. Kenya Evelyn (January 8), ‘Capitol attack: the five people who died’, The Guardian; Http://
  8. Http://

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